Donations & Assistance

One Town’s goal is to provide assistance and support to individuals and families in need within our community.

How We Can Help

One Town gives funds and assistance to individuals and families who have suffered from an unexpected illness, accident or other tragedy. Our town is very small and most of these tragedies are published in the newspaper or announced via word of mouth. News travels fast. Most of our donations are given anonymously. If you would like to apply for assistance because of a tragedy you or a family member has experienced you may email your request to:


You must be a current or former resident of Wrightwood, CA and the incident must have happened within the last 365 days or be an ongoing tragedy that is currently affecting the proposed recipient (for example, a cancer patient that was diagnosed more than 1 year ago but is now suffering from the financial hardship of a long-term illness may apply).

Please download the Qualifications FAQ or read our FAQ page carefully or before submitting your request.